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How much

do you value

your time?

Searching for pet sitters =

Exhaustion & Emotions

Your to-do list:

-Online searches

-More online searches

-Local searches

-Numerous calls/emails


-Narrowing results

-Making the choice

Is this necessary?


…to pick your pet sitter,

is usually because of any of the following reasons:


-You’re really worried about your pet’s safety.

-You’re really concerned about your home and personal belongings.

-Or, you have such a LOVE for your pets that the thought of the distance between you and your pets is OVERWHELMING.

Being worried, concerned, and stressed about your pet’s safety can significantly restrict the joy in your life.

Can you overcome these worries?
There is NO SHAME in being worried about your pets.

It just means you care


It shows your love

You can change your life
for the better,
…like these people:

Pet Lover #1

Sheri and her husband, Jeff, spend many hours running their business and helping people stay healthy. Unfortunately, they ran into a problem. See, they loved their pets (who happen to be dogs) and they found that their schedule was keeping them from being available from giving their dogs the life they dreamed of, for them. Having so much love for their dogs, they were willing to ask for help. Now, they are not spending ANY time worrying or stressed out. They have even freed up enough time to plan amazing vacations. Knowing how much we care about them and their fur-family, they much fun on their vacations and are able to spend their time without any worry about how their dogs are doing. Especially when they see those picture and video updates!

Pet Lover #2

Denise and her husband Richard love spending time with their daughter, who lives out-of-state. However, they were unaware of how they were going to be able to accomplish this INVALUABLE family-time. You see, one of their Labrador’s is diabetic and needs insulin injections twice a day. Can you imagine the stress and worry they had knowing that, in order to make time for their family, they would have to put their trust in somebody to be able to administer their dog’s medications and take care of their other pets? If you love your fur-family, I know you understand. To pile things on, they were also new to their area. Searching for a trustworthy pet sitter in an unfamiliar location is a tough task. Today, they are enjoying time with their daughter, in a completely different state, stress-free, and worry-free!

Shed your worries

You can never get your

time back…

What would it mean to you if:

…you were not burdened with stress and worry?

…you are able to 100% enjoy your vacation?

…you were able to fully invest yourself into family-time?

…you did not have to rush home, on your lunch break, to let your dog out?

…you did NOT have to even second-guess if your pets were being cared for properly?


That sounds like a lot of stress and worry, right?

Guess what! It’s way too much AND…

it is unnecessary
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We can help you!

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