
Looking for a pet sitter in PeoriaAZ? There are many to choose from. While price should not be your only consideration when looking for pet care, it is, and probably always will be, part of the conversation.

We’ve sniffed through the best reviewed pet sitting and dog walking businesses on yelp to find the price for some of the most commonly offered pet sitting services. Here they are with up-to-date pricing information to help guide your search for the pet sitter that is right for you:

Daily visits: $20-$28 The daily visit, check-in, or potty break is one of the most common services offered by all the pet sitting companies in Peoria, AZ. There are a wide range of daily visit types, so make sure you take a look at what’s included for the quoted price. Most sitters offer a 30 or 60 minute stay, while some on the lower end of the price spectrum also offer a “quick visit” which is 15 mins or less. Also, there are sometimes fees for multi-pet care, so make sure to check for additional fees if you have a few furry friends at home.  At Fur Heart Pet Sitting and Dog Walking, LLC, our standard visits and walks start at $25. We also offer an extended visit option for $30. We try to ensure that we use the same sitter for every visit in as many cases as possible. This is so you and your pet are both comfortable and know who to expect at your house each day. We do also plan for a back-up sitter, in case of emergencies.Overnight and Extended stays: $90-$135 If you’re taking a long trip and will be out of town, for several days, you might need to hire a pet sitter to come live in your house for a few days, or even stay for a solid 24 hours. Make sure you check the difference between an “overnight stay” and a 24 hour appointment–often the overnight stays begin and end at a certain hour, and may not cover your situation if you don’t have a very rigid return time. There are only a few places in Peoria that offer this service, and Fur Heart is one of them! Be sure to check if other companies are setting restrictions on appointment start times or offering additional visits as a part of this service. At Fur Heart Pet Sitting and Dog Walking, LLC, we charge $110 for an overnight visit, and anyone can add an additional 30 minute visit the following day for just $23, perfect for a weekend away from home.

You can find the prices for all of Fur Heart’s pet sitting services here. We know our prices are both very competitive with any pet sitter in Peoria, AZ and our customers know we’re an incredible value for the custom care we provide for pets of all shapes, sizes, and situations.

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