Pet Sitting Rates in Glendale, AZ

Pet Sitting Rates in Glendale, AZ

Pet Sitting Rates ? Pet Sitter Cost ?      When you’re shopping around for a pet sitter or dog walker, there are tons of considerations at play. Will they get along with my dog? Will they scratch my cat under the chin just like I do? All that aside, price is always a...

Fighting the Dog Obesity Epidemic

We all love our dogs, and being a dog parent means showing that love all the time. For many people with a dog at home, showing love often translates to belly rubs and of course, treats. But what if all of those treats are having some unintended effects? Dog...
Why Big Pet Sitting is a Bad Deal

Why Big Pet Sitting is a Bad Deal

Today it seems that the “gig economy” has pervaded almost all aspects of our lives. From getting a taxi to laundry services to learning a foreign language–there are part time “freelancers” empowered by new technology and waiting to perform these services for...
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